Someone, who would actually enjoy to fuck himself

Punctuation and spelling has been preserved:


Allow me to introduce myself. I’m playfully dichotomous. I’m a loving narcassist. I’m available, yet dans la lune. I’m imperfect, like a chipped tooth. But I could be the imperfection that helps put a definitive stamp on our time together, before the sands of time blend into another infinitely shifting dune. I like the moon. I look at it when I’m out on another highway in another town, hopelessly seeking a ride to get to another town and stand on another highway. Hopefully. I howl at the moon. I feel the wolf in me feel raw and new born. And then I feel lonely. Because no one howls with me. I want a she wolf. Would you howl with me?


My self-summary:
A raging lightening storm and a trepid bird combined to make this brutally honest gift. Taking away the layers of self deception have only made me realize that I am my own biggest friend, lover and obstacle. Everyone I consider part of my humanly social circle is a manifestation of what I have already conjured in a dream in a few decades of colorful sleep. When I abandoned my last pair of looking glasses last year, I made a great realization: if I dream with perceptive clarity, yet am hazily myopic when my eyes open, what is to keep me from slipping into a dreamy reality of my own creation. And come to its physical manifestation to sustain my bodily needs to return to my real world. I guess that’s not what they meant by ‘living the dream’ ? That brings us to the second part of the equation: who are you? The person who adds to my mind’s fantastical creation. Or someone who is focusing on my physical dimension? Because I really don’t want to sit across salt, pepper and Heinz condiments, explaining complex mundanities of my bank balance to balancing act of mundane complexity. Be beautifully simple. And I’ll do the same. I’ll reserve the complex talk for the ones who come knocking, hunting down the free thinkers and romantics.


What I’m doing with my life:
I’m travelling on a day-to-day basis. It doesn’t require a source of income. It’s wandering in its essence. I collect stories, process them, and write something from the resulting mix after a while.
I’m really good at:
Clearing up my closet. And that of others. I can’t handle junk. Adapting. I’m comfortable in my skin. It doesn’t affect me how different my surroundings get.
Teaching. My methods are demanding. But I can also be gentle.
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food:
I’m reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin. There’s a good reason why it caused the Civil War in the States. Big fan of Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I relate to it a lot. Especially the part about Mitty’s day-dreaming disappearing once he actually starts living his dreams. Sense8. Man.. How good is this series.. A beautiful embracing of differences across the globe, connected by love. I can’t get over Coldplay and Regina Spektor.. Ever. I love making food. Give me a clean kitchen, and I’ll give you a meal.
Six things I could never do without:
Love Adventure Friendly strangers Strange friends Hairy girls Smiley dudes
I spend a lot of time thinking about:
The thin line between a trap and a blessing.
You should message me if:
You’re really sure you can do this.

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